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Hiding Profiles
Customize your discovery workflow by hiding profiles that don’t fit your search.
Hiding a Profile
To hide a profile, select the eye icon on the right of the profile card. The profile will appear greyed out while remaining on the same page. You can unhide a profile by selecting the “unhide” button.
Finding Hidden Profiles
A hidden profile will be hidden across all searches on the project. When you refresh the page, or come across the profile in a new search, they will be entirely hidden (not greyed out). You can still identify these profiles by the text at the bottom of the page, shown in the screenshot below, indicating how many profiles were hidden from your search results.
Unhiding or Reviewing Hidden Profiles
To access hidden profiles, open the “profiles hidden on this page” button. You will be able to see profiles hidden on the specific page, as well as profiles hidden in the project overall. To unhide a profile, select the “unhide” option.
You can also access the hidden profiles menu from the projects page by selecting the drop down menu and clicking “View Hidden Profiles”. The same pop-up will appear.
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